There's Coffee Cake on the Counter and Zuchinni Bread in the Freezer...

Sharing information about the matriarch of the Erickson Family...

Jim's recount of his Feb 10 Visit

Where to start. I had a great visit with Mom yesterday and plan to go visit her tomorrow (Sunday) again when Karen and I go shop for a new refrigerator.
Back to our favorite girl. She was doing some wailing when I got there and seemed focused on being sad, so I took her for a walk and helped her focus on sights and sounds around her. The littlest of whimpers required focusing on a new object or person. After a slow and tactical walk her mood improved tremendously and we had a nice visit. This was followed by her telling me her butt hurt from sitting too long. A simple request for a transfer to her bed relieved the pain. I changed her radio to some soft country music relaxed her even more and she slipped off into a quick nap. I always knew she was a country girl. This gave me an opportunity to run to Safeway for supplies. Some pop, beer (for Pat’s visit), M&Ms, nuts, an orange and olives for lunch, and a chocolate milk for mom. Upon return I was delighted to have been joined by Dick and birthday girl Jolene. Mom was awake and smiling. Jolene, what is your secret? Jolene took her to lunch which was followed by some enjoyable conversation. Lyn already shared the Queen story, which Mom really enjoyed. A great day and wonderful visit. On your next visit use the distraction technique to get her thinking about the beauty life has to offer. Don’t let a few tears get you down.

February 11th 2011 Announcement: Mom's the Queen of Everything!

No pictures to include but I received two texts from Jolene and Jim just minutes apart... Jolene: Had a wonderful visit with Gma. She was very communicative and happy. Jim had her in a good mood before we got there. :) She was snoozing when we walked in... then she opened her eyes and said, "Jolene!" She ate lunch pretty well. I told her she was the queen and she said, "WEll, we better make an announcement." HaHa. We played the messages on the answering machine from Pat and Bill.

Jimmy: Everything in the frig is fresh at Mom's place. Help yourself! She stopped crying when I took her for a walk and made her look at things. Also candy is in the night stand. Olives are tasty and from Safeway.